Conference “Tackling Food Waste: The Consumer Co-operative Way”
Tackling Food Waste: The Consumer Co-operative Way
16th Oct 2015, World Food Day.
One third of food produced in the European Union is wasted every year. Consumer co-operatives have since long time engaged in the fight against food waste, both involving the partners of the food supply chain and raising consumers’ awareness on the topic. To renew their commitment in the fight against food waste, on 16th October – World Food Day – Euro Coop and ANCC/Coop Italy organized the event “Tackling Food Waste: The Consumer Co-operative Way”.
This event followed up the European Commission’s event: “Fight Food Waste, Feed the Planet”, organized the day before.
Duncan Bowdler, President of Euro Coop, said: «Because of their peculiar entrepreneurial form and their position in the food supply chain, consumer co-operatives are best placed to take up the food waste challenge. Their close relation with members and local communities, as well as their strict collaboration with producers make them key actors of the food supply chain. We are working hard to reduce waste and embed the circular economy thinking in all our operations; to this end we will need policy makers to create a conducive environment for us to keep our work going on».
Massimo Bongiovanni, Vice President of ANCC/Coop Italy, said: «The time of overabundance and waste is definitely over. The fight against food waste is today at the top of priorities. For the last 30 years we have been taking actions to raise the awareness among our members that a change is needed and that we need to stop consuming more than what our planet can produce. To continue this work, a multi-pronged approached is needed and Coop is ready to do its part».
Representatives of the EU Commission participated in the event to present the results of ‘Milan BEXpo’, a behavioural study on food chioces and eating habits that was carried out in the supermarket of the future at Expo Milan.
Commenting on the results of the study, Despina Spanou, Director for Consumers at Directorate General Justice and Consumers (EU Commission) said: «The research shows that there is a way to mobilise consumers to join us in the fight against food waste and empowering them with awareness messages is key. Through an effective co-operation with all partners of the food supply chain and other interested stakeholders a societal change is at hand».
- Read the press release in Euro Coop’s website.
- Speech: Ms. Carmen Redondo, Manager of the Consumer Department at HISPACOOP. “Engaging Consumers, Changing Behaviours: HISPACOOP’s commitment” 2012-2014 HISPACOOP-CARMEN REDONDO
- Biographies of speakers.
- Photos here.